Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Summer Evening Race Series Coming Soon!!!

This summer, for eight consecutive weeks, Dolphin South End Runners will be hosting a Thursday evening race at Lake Merced. The dates of the races are: June 26, July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, August 7 and 14. These races will be even more low-key than the regular Sunday races, with no course/mile markings, no aid stations (water fountain available at the halfway point), a pared-down finish line, and “grab-bag” race ribbons (we will be distributing ribbons from our retired or revised races from the past).
The fee will be a mere $1, for members and non-members alike, regardless of age. No Top 5 ribbons will be presented at the weekly races. Instead, runners will accrue points in the following divisions – Youth/Teen (ages 18 & under), Open (ages 19-37), Masters (38-49), Seniors (50-62), Veterans (63+) – as the series progresses. Top point holders at the end of the eight weeks will receive a medal or other award (to be determined).
The races will begin at 6:30pm sharp, at the Sunset Blvd. parking lot of Lake Merced. The race is one 4.5 mile loop around the lake on the paved bike path, with the finish back at the parking lot. Race day registration only and please try to bring exact change (no coins, either!)
If you don’t want to race, you also have the option of arriving between 6-6:16pm to walk or run the course on your own or with others. There will be no fee for walkers/self-timers, but your name will not be included in the race results. Since DSE currently does not have a weeknight group run, this is a great opportunity for those who would like to walk or run with others.

We hope to see many of you out there this summer, and look forward to hosting a great new event!

Please go to and click on Summer Evening Race Series on the lefthand column for more details.


lilpiptook said...

heheh... "will receive a medal or other award (to be determined)"

i dunno, sounds kinda shady... do you want a yacht or the prize inside the box?

Rick Gaston said...

Hey, congratulations on a tough day at Ohlone 50k. It was definitely a harder day than when we ran it 2 years ago. I stopped by briefly at the finish line and the common theme in the conversations was how hot the day was. You looked fine coming through our aid station; alert, smiling, coherent, posture still straight and tall. See you soon on the trails or the Kezar track.

GB said...

Hey, I'm so glad you left a message on my blog. I wish you had introduced yourself on the trail. Shame on you! ;)

Okay, Ohlone is done, so let's look forward to our 3:10 marathon this fall. I finally got a coach and he seems to think I can run a sub-3, yea, we'll have to see about that.

Where is your Ohlone race report???