Monday, October 8, 2007

Chicago is NOT flat

I am excited to finish the Chicago Marathon in 3:58. Many runners from San Francisco did not complete the course or did it in over 4 hours. It was the hardest marathon I have done so far, but also one of my proudest! About 12,000 runners were taken out of the course because of the sweltering heat. I will report later.

Next up: Cal International Marathon on Dec 2!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome job Adrian! Congrats on finishing on a really hot day. We're looking forward to your race report, and interested in why you think Chicago is not flat, especially you travelling there from SF. The "hills" in Chicago are a couple minor bridges and the incline at mile 26, but others thinking about running it should know that it really is flat (and fast on a cool day) compared to Boston or SF's marathon course. Check out the flat elevation profiles from GPS uploads at

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adrian!
Why are you crying about Chicago not being flat? I heard the "heat" was worse. Silly northerners thinking 80s degree temps are hot, lol.

Oh yeah, thank you for yesterday's 5 mile madness with actual hills. We missed getting to share the pain with you.

ankit said...


arent you the guy I met while waiting for the marathon movie? You said you were hoping for a 3:20, and I was going to shoot for a sub-4? Well, looks like we both missed our goals (i did a 4:24). But as you said, it was one hard run, and I am really proud to have finishd it!