We're 6 years old & we're having a potluck party. You don't need to run to participate! We'll even have a fun walk/run for you too. Friends and family of Urban Run are invited. Routes are a hair shorter so you can get back and enjoy yourself.
FUN 2.0 Miles
- Left on Pine
- Left on Market
- Left on Embarcadero
- Turn around @ Battery
- Right on Market
- Right on Pine
- FINISH @ Yoppi
Gmap link: http://www.mappedometer.com/?maproute=150138
SHORT 3.0 Miles
- Left on Pine
- Left on Market
- Left on Embarcadero
- Left on Bay
- Left on Stockton
- Left on Columbus
- Right on Broadway
- Left on Grant
- Left on Pine
- FINISH @ Yoppi
Gmap link: http://www.mappedometer.com/?maproute=150139
LONG 4.5 Miles
- Left on Pine
- Left on Market
- Left on Embarcadero
- Left on Hyde
- Left on Bay
- Right on Stockton
- Left on Columbus
- Right on Broadway
- Left on Grant
- Left on Pine
- FINISH @ Yoppi
Gmap link: http://www.mappedometer.com/?maproute=150140