Dec 26 2011 FINAL Route
(start the video, listen and follow with these lyrics)
There's a sad sort of clanking
From the clock in the store
And the bells in the stockroom too
And up in the backoffice an absurd little bird
Is popping up to say cukoo
Cukoo cukoo
Regretfully they tell us
But firmly they compel us
To say goodbye to you
So long, farewell
Aufwiedersehn, goodnight
I hate to run without my pretty tights
So long, farewell
Aufwiedersehn, Adeiu
I've ran with you and you and you and you
So long, farewell
Au 'voire, aufwiedersehn
I'd like to stay and run my first 10k
So long, farewell
Aufwiedersehn, goodbye
I ran and stretched a bit and say goodbye
I'm glad I ran
I cannot tell a lie
I walked I ran to Coit Tower I fly
The run has gone away and so must I
So long farewell aufwiedersehn
Goodbye... Goodbye... Goodbye... Goodbye...
Well, what can I say? As I look back at all the runs, the people, and this blog, its been great! And what really matters is all the people who came and made Urban Run what it is today. A big THANK YOU to everyone.
If you're wondering what's going on, adidas Urban Run is coming to an end. The final run will be on December 26 followed by a farewell potluck party by our family of runners and everyone is welcome to join.
With that said, the routes are short, so you'll be back in a timely manner to enjoy the food and the people.
EASY 4.0 Miles
- Right on Market
- Left on Embarcadero
- Left on Bay
- Left on Powell
- Left on Columbus
- Right on Grant (@Broadway)
- Right on Market
- FINISH @ adidas
Gmap link: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=5229481
HARD 4.1 Miles
- Left on Market
- Right on Powell
- Left on Bay
- Left on Hyde
- Left on Pacific
- Right on Grant
- Right on Market
- FINISH @ adidas
Gmap link: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=5229653
In terms of 2012, we're hoping to continue Monday night runs elsewhere. We're working on it and we'll keep you updated on this blog. Please check back. If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to share it with us.